Bat Moth – A Game About Adaptation

Bat Moth – A Game About Adaptation

by | Jun 30, 2020 | Uncategorized


Bat Moth teaches about the unique adaptation of echo location through a modified game of tag.  It is a useful tool for exploring predator and prey relationships, noise pollution, echo location and adaptations.

Activity Stats


How to Play Bat Moth

  • Arrange group in a med to large circle
  • Participants in the circle hold their hands out at chest level to provide “spotting” for the players and ensure they do not leave the game space
  • Two players are selected with one being the “bat” and one the “moth”
  • The goal is for the bat to tag the moth
  • The bat must keep their eyes closed.  The moth may keep their eyes open.
  • Whenever the bat says “bat”, the moth must respond with saying “moth”.  By doing this the bat is able to assess where in the circle the moth is.
  • Players must walk or are disqualified
  • When the bat tags the moth the game is over or you can have the players switch roles.  You can have them switch roles a few times before they rotate with players on the “spotter ring”.

Variations / Facilitation Notes

  • Have the group make noise to simulate noise pollution
  • Use a pool noodle for the tagging
  • Before the game, build group trust by playing “Noodle Duel”.
  • Bat Moth pairs well with Fox Walk to teach about physical and behavioral adaptations.

Debriefing Questions

  • What made it more easy or difficult to tag the moth?
  • What adaptations might a bat have to help them catch a moth?
  • What made it more easy or difficult to evade the bat?
  • What adaptations might a moth have to help evade a bat?
  • How did noise affect your ability to hear the bat?
  • What are some noises in the natural enviroment?
  • What are some noises that people add to the natural environment?
  • How might the noise that people add affect bats ability to hunt?
  • Do you think people can do this?  Why or why not?  (note: yes they can!!!)


  • Players must walk while participating
  • “Spotters” on the edge of the circle should be coached on ensuring players don’t leave the circle and are gently re-directed with appropriate touch